This is not a Cherioo but a Hooroo! An Aussie said...
(This is not a goodbye but a see you soon!)
In this post, I´ll describe you all the tasks achieved, but I want to show you my artifact first. This presentation has been designed by using PowToon. Click here if you want to start using the tool!
I´ve attached my Tweet also for you to look!
My Learning Project - Created using PowToon,— WeLoveICTinClass (@fatima_sadornil) 1 de mayo de 2018
I started creating my artifact with but I decided to change it and to use PowToon instead because I wanted to have the opportunity to create something new. I didn't use it before so, it has been a chance to learn something else and not only to review my improvement since the beginning of the subject.
PowToon is a drag-and-drop video creation that’s easy and even fun to use, thanks to some eye-catching and entertaining designs. This tool has a number of ready-made PowToons that you can change with simple customizations. From videos to fun In this resource you’ll find almost everything you need.
During the whole subject we have had different activities within 7 tasks. I´ve described them in my artifact but I´ll summarize them for a better reflection of my super learning!
Task 1: First things First.
1.1. Creating a blog. BLOGGER. When I started the subject I created a Blog by using the tool called BLOGGER. With this resource and many others such as WORDPRESS and TUMBLR, I started my Learning Journal. This tool has been tedious sometimes because of the way to describe the tools and the tasks but, It hasn´t been so difficult.
1.2. Create your own AVATAR using VOKI. In order to create an AVATAR I used a tool called VOKI. This tool was very easy to use because is very intuitive. I used with my students some time ago and they were very engaged. For some of them, it was difficult when trying to export their AVATARS, but after explaining them how to do it a couple of times, they finally got it. I would definitely recommend this tool without hesitation.
Task 2: Respect for authorship.
2.1. Creative Commons. Before starting using this resource in class, I already had some knowledge. I knew the importance of Licesing, but now I´ll do it more frecuently. It has been a good practice to refresh my knowledge about CC and Types of Licesences.
2.2. Image attribution for a CLIL lesson. In this activity I planned a CLIL lesson to learn a bit more about the Universe. In order to use some pictures in our classrooms we needed to know how to license and recognize the authorship. I used Pixaby to access to the images needed. Atribution and respect for authorship it is necessary for all to keep our creativity and originality.
Task 3: Content Curation and Dissemination.
3.1. Content curation: content curation lets us to create, organize and select the information when searching on the net. To do this I used PEARLTREES. There are many more resources such as: PINTEREST, SYMBALOO and LIST.LY.
I decided to use Peartrees becouse it was the only one I didn´t know.
3.2. Twitter: The most educational social network so far! Twittering a Tiny Story.
Twitter is a pretty fashionable tool in our society. This resource offers many positives, and we have seen how to use it in an educational way, what makes the experience more enjoyable. Our students use this tool in their daily lifes, but I´m sure they won´t espect its use in class. The tiny story activity was really fun, it really impressed me.
Twitter is a pretty fashionable tool in our society. This resource offers many positives, and we have seen how to use it in an educational way, what makes the experience more enjoyable. Our students use this tool in their daily lifes, but I´m sure they won´t espect its use in class. The tiny story activity was really fun, it really impressed me.
Task 4: Think, design and present.
4.1. Educational slideshows. In this task I created a slideshow to show the animals sent to the space. To do this I used the tool called GENIALLY. I did know this tool, but I wasn´t sure about its possibilities. It is an amazing resource, but it can be difficult for primary students.
Task 5: Visualise and share.
5.1. Sharing stories through comics: I created a comic to work the emotions and I tried to recreate a very common situation for our students, the stress suffered when exams are about to start. I used the STORYBOARD THAT. This tool is very useful but, as I said in both, my post and my artifact, it only has a 15 days trial and after that date it is not possible to embed and publish older stories or create new stories.
5.2. Using mindmaps in class. Mindmaps are a very effective method to extract and memorize information. To create my mindmap I used Spiderscribe. This particular tool allows you to attach images, text and links, but it doesn´t offer you the opportunity to add videos, what makes the tool less attractive.
5.3. Use of digital infographics in the classroom. Infographics are a very visual way of representing and transmitting knowledge through the net. To create mine I used CANVA. I called it the 6 syllable rules because my objective wasn´t other than to show some of the literacy rules. I really enjoyed CANVA and its possibilities. I´m sure I´ll use it in the future.
Task 6: Broadcast it!
6.1. Podcasting. The first step to create a podcast is to plan the script for the audio project. I called mine “Climate voices”, then was necessary to use AUDACITY or a cell phone to record the audio, and finally I had to uploaded to a platform called SOUNDCLOUD. This tool was amazing, but it can be difficult for primary students, especially when recording the audios.
Task 7: Flip it!
7.1. Using video for educational purposes.
7.1.1. Storyboard a video project. This was the first task to develop in groups. My group designed a script about the discovering of the americas. We used google drive and google docs for the draft. I already knew how to use the google resource, this made the task easier to be carried on. Once we had our script, we used again the tool STORYBOARD THAT to create a comic in order to visualise the scenes of our next task, the video project.
7.1.2. Record your video clip. Lights, camara... Engagement!. To do this activity, we went to the INTEF to record our video. It was a very useful activity for me because I had never used croma. Later we edit our video using iMovie and CCMixter for the audio.
7.2. #twima8. The World is My Audience. I participated in a collaborative international project, telling a story about myself using FLIPGRID. It is great to take part of something bigger and share my story with other people around the world.
7.3. Compulsory Online attendance to webinar. Everyone attended to an online webinar. In the webinar Maria Jesús García San Martín spoke about the amount of resources offered by INTEF, the public organization of the Spanish Ministery of Education. This organization offers Mook, Nook and Spook Courses. The main difference between them is the time and the flexibility. In all these courses, you can get badges to complete the Back Pack of your Portfolio. The tool designed to prove your digital competence. She also talked about Edupills, I started some courses to develop the Digital Competence. They are very easy and useful.
MY REFLEXION.I really enjoyed most of the tasks, but the best resources for me were: the infographics with Canva, because of the variety of resources offered for this resource, the AVATAR, because of the tool itself, and the comic, becase it can be used with all ages.
I didn´t enjoy Flipgrid that much because I don´t like like sharing my life with other people, but I have to say that it is a useful tool, but no for primary students.
There are more positives than negatives of these tools, but it is necessary to highlight that some of these are not free after 15 days or 1 month trial, what makes them less useful and attractive to be used in class.
As I said before, this is not a goodbye but a see you soon. I´ll continue adding more entries very soon.
I take the opportunity to thank my teacher Maria Jesús García San Martín for solving all the doubts out even when they were very private comments, and to all my colleges for helping and support each other when doing the activities. We all have lived great moments in ICT but the most importat has been that WE ALL HAVE COLLABORATED AND TRIED OUR BEST.
I hope you enjoyed this post.
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