Monday 23 April 2018


Creating iPod+Broadcast = Podcast

Welcome to a new entry. In here I´ll explain to you how to create podcasts to use them in the classroom. 

First of all... What is a PODCAST?
A podcast is a recording of an  audio discussion on a specific topic that can be listened to. They’re often found on iTunes, Spotify, and SoundCloud, but are sometimes hosted on websites. This dynamic medium can be a perfect way to deliver a daily dose of inspiration wherever your audience might be.

Getting started with podcasting.

Sign up for a free SoundCloud account to start hosting your podcast with SoundCloud and share your sounds.
We can use podcasts in audio projects such a school radio. Podcasts are highly recommended resources since we can implement them in any kind of subject. With these kinds of activities, students can work individually, in pairs or groups. 
This resource will help them to develop their autonomy and responsibility since doing podcasts involves the use of different materials and ICT resources. Students will learn to handle different digital resources and tools by researching and selecting information,  making drafts, writing script, recording audios, licensing, etc.

How to create a Podcast on SoundCloud?

1. Create an account.
If you haven’t created a SoundCloud profile,  set one up. 
Remember to use an active email address. When asked to enter the name you want to display on your profile, use your podcast title, then check your inbox for a confirmation email before proceeding.
2. Complete your profile information.
Head to your profile's edit page. Upload an image, add a description and add your website or social media links if you wish.
3. Adjust content settings.
Go to your content settings page an choose a category for your podcast, select the language of your podcast and check the setting if your show contains explicit material.

Click here and take a look my Stream!

Remember that is really important to create a playlist for your project. It´s really easy.

First, access to your stream (profile) and click on Add Playlist:

Once you have chosen the name of your play list, select the type, it can be private or public.


Here is my playlist!  

And my Audio Channel!

Recording Your Podcast.

To record a podcast, you’ll need a microphone plugged into your PC and an audio recording software such as Audacity
  1. Click in the record button in your audio software. Press the R key or “Record” button to begin recording.  
  2. Press the P key or “Pause” button to suspend recording temporarily, but not completely terminate it. You can’t edit in this mode.
  3. Press Spacebar or “Stop” button to stop recording. 
  4. If you want to start again from where you stopped without making an extra track, press Shift-R or press the “Record” button while holding down the “Shift” key. 
  5. Press R key or the “Record” button again to record a new track.
Additionally, you can use your cell phone to record the audio. Click here to find out more. 

Upload Your Podcast.

To upload your podcast you´ll need to Sign in first, then you´ll need to click "Upload" at the upper right corner of the screen.
After clicking the upload button, a pop-up box will appear asking you whether you want to upload your music or record it straight on SoundCloud. 
Once you have uploaded your audio, you will need to put not only the title but also some tags related to the song so that it will be easier to find. Next, choose whether you want the song to be public or private before tapping upload. 
Finally, you can organize your podcasts in playlists with different topics.

How to apply a Creative Commons license to a track?

Soundcloud enables you to license your podcasts under CC0 easily. How?

By clicking on "Edit" in your audio.
Go to "Metadata" and change your license as in the image.

After doing this, this is what I got: My Podcast.

This podcast is related to the Project: "CLIMATE VOICES"

In my Opinion, there are several prons and cons related to podcasting, but it is necessary to highlight some of the negatives of using this resource with primary students.
Podcasting can be used by teachers to provide or receive information from students. However, a disadvantage to this form of data is that the Web is such a vast and very public space where anyone from anywhere can publish files. Therefore, teachers have to spend time checking if the files. It can be very time consuming especially for larger files, and if not monitored, podcasting can be misused by its users. 
Editing and uploading files, especially if they're high-quality files, can be quite a challenge.  Not everyone owns a mobile device especially primary students.

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