Monday 23 April 2018

Creating a Video Project

Lights, Camera . . . Engagement!

Creating a Video Project.

Welcome to a new entry.This time, I want to show you a new video project I have made with some colleagues, Cristina, Ana, Meili and Laura. Check their blogs out by clicking on their names!

The video project´s aim is not other than "To introduce our students a new topic of History in a fun way". 
This project is intended for fifth graders.

Goals of the video:
  • To introduce the topic of the discovery of Americas in an interesting way.
  • To be able to recognize the importance of Christopher Columbus in the history.
  • To know the process leading to the final voyage.
  • To understand why those voyages were carried out.
Future purpose of the outcome:
  • To explain the discovery of Americas. 
  • To differentiate the four voyages of Columbus to the New World.
  • To know what inventions were used for navigating.
The first step is to elaborate a Draft to create the Video later on and decide who will develop each role, what characters will appear and what´s going happen in the story.

For that reason, we have created a document in Google Docs.

Storyboard, a script for the video.

This will involve making sure students are explaining how something works, or why it was important. Encourage students to time their explanation in order to reduce it to its most simple form.

In here you´ll find an old entry on my Blog with all the information needed to create your Storyboard. 

Here is our Storyboard

Made with Storyboard That

Creating props for the video.

Props, in this case, will largely be paper cutouts of simple drawings. Students can plan to use printed words as part of their props. Ideally, printed words should be used for a title slide and a bibliography slide. It will take students a few extra minutes to type, but this will result in a more professional-looking product.
We used our Draft to create the props for the video.

Shooting the video.

It's usually best left to the teacher when there are time constraints. Students familiar with video production can be trained to take on this task, but it is a very easy task. Your students will only need a croma and a video camera.

Narrating the video.

One student can be assigned to this task. Students can narrate as the action is taking place, or narration can be added on a separate voice-over, as we did. Ana had the role as a narrator. While filming, when the narrator (Ana) was telling the story, the characters tried to freeze in order to catch listener attention.

And finally... Here is our Video Project!

We want to introduce you "Discovering the Americas". This video is both, a documentary and a musical too. Thanks for whatching!

We really enjoyed this task. I hope you enjoyed the post!

Spread my ideas!

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