Thursday 26 April 2018

Webinar: Spanish Time

Welcome to my new entry about Webinar.

Today I have attended to an online webinar and now I´ll explain to you what a webinar is and how did I access to the platform used by the host. Additionally, I´ll summarise my teacher´s webinar.

With internet technology, we have the possibility to connect in real-time with people from all over the world, whenever we want.

Video chatting platforms like Skype or Google Plus are fine for a casual individual and group-based chats, but for professional events meant to deliver presentations to larger audiences, webinars tend to be the medium of choice. Anyone can host a webinar to attend and watch one.

What Exactly Is a Webinar?

A webinar is a live web-based video conference that uses the internet to connect the individual hosting the webinar to an audience. The viewers and listeners of the webinar from all over the world. Hosts can show themselves speaking, switch to their computer screens for slideshows or demonstrations, and even invite guests from other location.
There are also interactive features that the audience can use to ask questions and chat with the host.

Why Host into a Webinar? 

Professionals use webinars to give educational presentations related to connecting with their audiences in a much closer way. It could be a webinar where one person simply hosts a lecture or seminar to teach something.

Webinars are also helpful tools if you want to learn something about a particular topic of interest, webinars are one of the best ways to expand your knowledge by learning directly from the experts. Today we learned a bit more about the Digital Competence and the services offered by the INTEF to help teachers to get insignias by attending to different online courses and how to start with our professional long-life portfolio to demonstrate those digital competences.

Tuning in to a Webinar.

Depending on which service the host uses, you may need to download an application first in order to access the webinar, in my case I downloaded one called "Cisco_WebEx_Add-On". We were required to reserve our spot by clicking on a link in an invitation email. 

Hosts do this when the webinar allows a limited number of audience spots. For our webinar, we received two emails, one to confirm the attendance and another one with the link to access to it.


When it's time to tune in, audience members have to “call in” sort of like making a phone call to access the webinar. We were provided with a custom link and a password by webinar host in order to get in.




Once I got in... 

What was our webinar about? "Mobile Learning and Digital Competence for Education."


First, the host introduced an expert Mª JESUS GARCIA SAN MARTIN from the INTEF (National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training) and she was explained us the different available tools offered by this public organization and why the Digital Competence is vital for teachers and students.  Take a look her Twiter, It´s amazing!

She mentioned the most popular learning experiences called "Double o experiences" to cover three different learning styles.

MOOC: These courses help you to develop your professional skills, share experiences in community, improve your digital skills and get digital badges. These learning experiences have a wide variety of courses with starting date and deadline, what makes them less flexible. 

NOOC: NOOC´s Are like Lego blocks, these courses, when putting together like Lego Blocks, allow you to build larger MOOK´s.

They are NANO massive online learning experiences focused on digital learning competences.

SPOOC: These are learning experiences at your own pace based on your availability (Online self-learning.)

With these courses, students can get badges, and create an Open Badge Backpack.
This resource with the metadata will show your training ready to import it into the Portfolio.

The Portfolio of the digital teaching competence has been designed in order to know the competence 
level based on the Common Framework of digital teaching competence established in October 2017.

The Digital Competence Portfolio For Teachers has been developed by the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training and primarily promotes the acquisition, development, and improvement of the Digital Competence of Teachers. This Portfolio has the following structure: 

Biography: with a brief description of your personal and your professional data.
Self-assessment: It self-assess your level in the 5 areas of the Common Digital Competence Framework
Dossier: to organize and label the pieces of evidence that you consider illustrative to endorse your digital competence to complete the information.
Passport: it shows the level of digital competence you have achieved and provides an overall perspective of the evidence that endorse it. It has 6 levels (basic, intermediate and advanced) and it´s similar to de CEFR of Languages. This is a long-life resource and it has to be completed during your professional life. This passport is upgradeable and it can suffer changes after a year of new training.

She also talked about Edupills.

EduPills is a micro-learning app for teachers, aimed at enabling teachers to acquire and / or develop digital skills, skills and competencies in a simple and fast way.

Image result for edupills

I downloaded thi app in my cell phone a couple of months ago and take a look how is it!

I´ve completedan Edupil for the moment. This one was about Digital Trols. Simply but amazing!

What are my impressions about the webinar?

Well, the webinar was very useful and Mª Jesús aswer some of my doubts about the Portfolio. I have started my ICT training with a couple of Nooc´s offered by the INTEF, and I have to say that they are very useful. I´m keen on all kind of training related to new technologies and since I started studying the subject with Mª Jesus, I´ve discovered several resources to develop my ICT skills.
Additionally, I´ve to say that there is a wide variety of courses offered by this PUBLIC organization, for all audiences, engaging and FREE! Everyone can start a course, even those like me who work and prefer flexible online courses.

THIS IS WHAT TEACHERS REALLY NEEDED! Thanx Intef and our teacher Mª Jesús for her valuable job!


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