Sunday 29 April 2018


The Discovering of Americas: Planning our video project.

Welcome to a new entry. In here I´ll explain to you how to create a script and a storyboard to use them in the classroom in order to plan a video project.

This script has been designed by my colleges Ana, Meili, Cristina and Laura. Click on their names to visit their blogs! They all look great!
We decided to plan a project related to History and introduce the Topic: The Discovering of Americas.

Setting the goals…

We all agree the following aims of the video:
  • To introduce the topic of the discovery of Americas in an interesting way.
  • To be able to recognize the importance of Christopher Columbus in the history.
  • To know the process leading to the final voyage.
  • To understand why that kind of voyages were carried out.
And the purpose of the outcome:
  • To explain the discovery of Americas. 
  • To differentiate the four voyages of Columbus to the New World.
  • To know what inventions were used for navigating.

Starting the draft for the Script!

The first step was to create a Draft about the following aspects: Characters that would appear in the video, roles of each member of the team, what would be the story about? etc.  

Here we are designing the Draft…

To do this, we created a Document by using Google Docs.

Here is our Draft: The Conquerors

Storyboarding time!

This storyboard was designed to show our students the way Christopher Columbus tried to get funds when he was trying to travel to the Indies in a new route. Each frame depicts different scenes with the main steps Columbus followed until the beginning of the trip.

If you can't see it, click here.

If you want to know more about how to use Storyboardthat go to my post "Comic Strip Creator: Storyboard That" by clicking here.

Ready to record the video!

Here we are practising just right befofe recording the video.


It was amazing!

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